Monday, November 29, 2010

Because only good can come out of mixing star trek and magic school bus

Today I was thinking out magic school bus, which was by far my favorite tv show when I was in kindergarten. I seemed to recall an star trekish episode. And here is is
if you feel like watching it. The friz's outfit that she was wearing while on board the bus/enterprise looked like one of the many horrible outfits that counselor Troi wore. They referred to liz (who had pointy ears and spock hair) as "Lieutenant" and everybody knows that spock is commander. And when Dorthy Ann tries to melt a asteroid (because it worked on a comet) all I could think was "Damn trainee crew". I mean I though Wesley Crusher was pathetic. At least he knows a thing or two about some pretty basic physics. Like how a small space shuttle can not move an asteroid 200 times it's own size. Again, Damn trainee crew. Ok. I have just realized I am ranting about the inconstancies in a kids show that is sort of star trekish. I feel pathetic. And you had no idea what I was just talking about.

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